Psychology :" Psychology is an ideal positive science of experience, behavior and adjustment process of an / any organism in their own environment. "
" मनोविज्ञान प्राणी के अपने वातावरण में उनके अनुभूति, व्यवहार एवं समायोजन प्रक्रिया का एक आदर्श समर्थक / विधायक विज्ञान है । "
A : 'A' is the first capital letter & alfabate of English language.
It is called vowel also.
It comes before any term related with subject & / or predicate of any sentence which is started with consonant letter.
One can use this letter or term in mathematics ( mainly algebra & trigonometry).
It means one / single.
A : In Psychology A denotes 1. , 2. Amplitude & 3. Assumed
a : 'a' is the small letter /alfabate of English language.
An : 'a, an & the ' these are articles.
'an' comes before words starting with vowel but 'a' comes before words starting with consonant and 'the' denotes specific quality or characteristics of any person, place, things, time or event.
Ab : Away ( दूर / अभाव / अलग ) , Absent ( अनुपस्थित )
Abnormal : Away from normal. (सामान्य या मानक से दूर या अलग अर्थात् असामान्य)
Abbreviation : Short form or essence of any term or the first letter of any term / word.
किसी पद ( शब्द या शब्दसमूह ) हेतु प्रयुक्त प्रथम, संक्षिप्त एवं सार स्वरूप अक्षर या वर्ण यथा A. P. A. (American Psychological Association) ।
Ach : Acetycholine
AChE : Acetycholinsterase
ACT : American Collage Testing Program.
ACTH : Adrenocorticotropic . Hormone
AD : Average Deviation
AD = £ (Xi-X)÷N ;
AD = Average Deviation
X = Mean
Xi = The ith score
i= Class interval
N = The total number of score
ADH : Antidiuretic Hormone
AI : Artificial Intelligence
AL : Adaptive Level
AM : Assumed Mean
ASL : American Sign Language
A-S scale : Anti - Semitic scale
ANOVA : Analysis of variance
ANS : Autonomic Nervous system
ARP test : Aptitude Research Project Test
B : 1. Behavior, 2. Barrier, 3.Black, 4.Block, 5.Boy, 6.Basic.....etc .
BAS -1: Awadhesh Kumar's Basic Anxiety Scale - 1
BAS - 2 : Awadhesh Kumar's Basic Anxiety Scale - 2
EAS : Awadhesh Kumar's Emotional Adjustment Scale
EASCS : Awadhesh Kumar's Emotional Adjustment Sentence Completion Scale
IEAS : Awadhesh Kumar's Ideal Educational Anxiety Scale
BMR : Basal Metabolism Rate
BSD scale : Bogardus Social Distance Scale
'B - R' Law : Bunsen - Roscoe Law
Brunswick Ratio = ( P - R ) ÷ ( C - R ) ;
Where P = Perceived or Judged Size
R = Relative Regional Size
C = Objective Physical Size
B = f ( OME )..... Editor's Concept.
Where B = Behavior
f = Factor
O = Organism
M = Motivation
E = Environment
C : 1. Centigrade , 2. Control Group ,
3. Constant , 4. Correction Factor.
C : Correction Factor
C = (£ fx') ÷ N ,
Where £ = The sum of total
f = Frequency
X' = Deviation
N = Number
C.A. : Chronological Age
CAH : Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
CAI : Computer Assisted Instruction
CAT :1. Children's Apperception Test
2. Computerised Axial Tomography
CAT Scan : Computerised Axial Tomography Scan
CPI : California Personality Inventory
CCC : Component Trigram
CER : Conditioned Emotional Response
CFF : Critical Flicker Frequency
COD : Change Over Delay ( Reinforcement )
CMD : Classification of Mental Disease
Chi (x) : Chi (x) is a Greek letter. It is used often in many/ various formula & statistical Test.
Chisquire (x squire) = The test between. observation & expectations.
Chisquire (x squire)=€(oi-Ei)
Where oi = Each of I observed score.
Ei=Each of I expected score.
€=The sum total of.
CNS : Central Nervous System
CPS : Cycle Per Second / Hertz or Hz
CR : 1. Conditioned Response
2. Critical Ratio
CRF : Continuous Reinforcement
CRT : Cathode Ray Tube
(The out put "screen" of an ocillescope)
CS : Conditioned Stimulus
CCC : Consonant Vowel Consonent
( Trigram )
D : 1. A difference score in statistics
2. Drive in Hall's Theory.
d : 1. Deviation of a score .
d' : It is an index for the Ideal observer which can
df : Degree of freedom.
df = (N1- 1) + ( N2 - 1)
DAT : Differential Aptitude Test
DAT test : Machover 'Drow-a-person' Test.
dB ( cradle ) : decibel
de : 1. Apart from undone.
2. Away from down.
∆ : Delta :- 1. ∆ R is an increment in responding.
2. ∆ S is an increment in stimulus.
3. ∆ I in intensity.
∆ : D
DIN Colour System :
DNA : Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
DQ : Developmental Quotient.
DRH ( drh ) : Differential Reinforcement of high rate.
DRL ( drl ) : Differential Reinforcement of low rate.
DRO ( dro ) : Defferential Reinforcement of other behavior.
DRP ( drp ) : Defferential Reinforcement of paced response.
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