गुरुवार, 8 सितंबर 2022

Robin Murphy view's about Biochemic remedies based on Lotus Matria Medica.

कैल्केरिया फ्लोर:- fear of financial loss, fear of poverty.
कैल्केरिया फाॅस :- Better in summer.
कैल्केरिया सल्फर :- Anexiety in evening.
फेरम फाॅस :- Better cold application.
काली म्यूर :- White or gray coating of base of tongue.
काली फाॅस : Worse mental and physical exertion, anxiety and worry.
काली सल्फ :- Can not stand warm rooms or other forms of heat.
मैग पास :- Better by heat, warmth. Better from pressure. Better bending double. Worse from cold air. Worse night. Swelling of tongue. 
नेट्रम म्यूर:- Children late learning to talk and walk.
Worse from sunlight, heat of sum. Worse summer, seashore. Worse from strong emotions, consolation, sympathy.
नेट्रम फाॅस :- Worse acids, citrus fruits.
नेट्रम सल्फ :- Worse from damp weather, dampness of cellars. Worse from head injuries.
साईलीशिया :- Fear of needles,pins and sharp objects. Better warmth. Worse cold air drafts.
Worse suppressed perspiration, especially of feet. Worse from veccinations.

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