शुक्रवार, 13 जनवरी 2017

I.E.A.S. (Ideal Educational Anxiety Scale/आदर्श शैक्षिक चिन्ता मापिनी):-Prof . Awadhesh kumar (Psy),M. J.J.College, M., Banwaripur, Begusarai.

In 2012 A.D. I develop an Anxiety Scale of 20 questionnaire but it was not enough to elaborate individual's anxiety about educational environment, but after some time I revised that Educational Anxiety Scale (E.A.S. / शैक्षिक चिन्ता मापिनी ) & added 10 other important questions in that revised scale which is called now E.A.S.-R (Educational Anxiety Scale -Revised / शैक्षिक चिन्ता मापिनी - संशोधित). It is an unique & ideal Educational Anxiety Scale thus it is called now "Ideal educational anxiety Scale (R)"/ आदर्श शैक्षिक चिन्ता मापिनी (संशोधित)

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